Book Study – Secrets of Karma

EP10: Debts to pay have to be paid

This is a book study session of ‘Secrets of Karma’ led by the author himself ‘Vee Jay Attri’. This session is focused on Key Number 6 of the book, ‘Debts’ to pay have to be paid.

EP9: Law of Harvest

You reap what you sow through your thoughts, speech and actions. No one ever gets something that does not belong to them. If you do not have a debt to pay, no force in the universe can harm you.

EP8: Laws of Karma

No matter what you do or accomplish, if you do not have the right awareness of the force of karma that governs your life, neither will you find long term solution nor will you experience lasting peace.

EP7: Three Types of Karma

Having positive prarabdha karma will enable you to experience good things in life regardless of your present actions. You may do unwholesome actions and make other suffer, yet have a great life with all comforts of the world.

EP6: The Hidden Cause

Kind words create good karma whereas harsh words cause bad karma and you incur karmic debt. Be careful about what you think and say to yourself and to others!

EP5: Karma – The Universal Law

While your positive thoughts produce positive effects, negative thoughts create negative effects on people and your surroundings. Like thoughts, spoken words carry power and good or bad, it tends to manifest.

EP4: Nature of Karma

Kind actions that benefit everyone create good karma and accumulate as karmic income whereas unrighteous actions that are harmful to all beings, create bad karma, thus adding up as karmic debt.

EP3: Essence of Karma

Karma is action and the consequence of action. It is the universal law of cause and effect and deals with the hidden laws of life.

EP2: Introduction

This is a book study session of ‘Secrets of Karma’ led by the author himself ‘Vee Jay Attri’. It explores the introduction section and some general themes, featured in the book. The author describes his spiritual journey and some of the key milestones.

EP1: Preface – Secrets of Karma

This is a book study session on ‘Secrets of Karma’ led by the author himself ‘Vee Jay Attri’. This session introduces the reader to the concept of karma, and gives an overview of the book.